Rust software engineering for your business.
Hard won engineering greatness


If you want it built in Rust, talk to us.

Cloud Cost Optimisation

For when Ruby / C# etc are too high latency or costing too much in cloud hosting, switch to the incredibly efficient Rust language for a high-perfoming microservice.

Performance Optimisation

Already maxed out your language and getting garbage collection spikes in latency? We'll convert your hot-path to Rust to squeeze out the last few drops of performance.

Embedded & Systems Builds

Rust is a great language for low-level systems. We'll create your embedded systems and system program in the reliable Rust langauge to keep your users happier.

C & C++ conversions

Rust is a higher-level & more reliable language than C & C++ for embedded and systems programming. We'll convert your systems to allow you to code more reliably at a higher level of abstraction.

Greenfield Systems

Already know Rust is your new platform of choice but don't have the resources yet? We'll get you going and help you transition to in-house skills.

Brownfield Systems

Got an existing system that needs converting / fixing / extending? We aren't afraid of gnarly old systems, in fact we take joy in using pragmatic industry best practice to transform technical debt into technical assets.

Microservice Conversion

If you've decided on Rust as the tech stack of choice we can help bring everything into line. There's a lot to be said for one language for everything and Rust ranges from dynamic realtime web frontends (WASM) and mobile apps down to the lowest level high performance backend and embedded systems.

Team Augmentation & Mentoring

For when there's just not enough Rust skills or capacity, or when you just want to level up your team's Rust game. Covers delivery methods, culture, automated regression testing, DevOps pipelines and flow of value.